This Whale has grown so sick of life in the sea with all those disgusting sea creatures that he's decided to move onto land. Good plan! He's still got his blow hole on the top of his head for breathing, though it looks like a belly button. But it's not! It's for breathing.
Land Whale is handmade of polymer clay with a small ball of tin foil in there for structural support. Gravity's effects are so much more pronounced now that he's not living in water! He's also got the Nugs logo branded into his side, so you'll always know which branch of the cetacean tree he belongs to.
Please note your Land Whale will be hand made after you place your order, so while we are very skilled (if I do say so myself), there may be slight variations between the Land Whale you receive and the Land Whale pictured here. No matter what, your Land Whale will definitely look relieved to be out of the water.
Your Land Whale will be shipped to you in a box, and in that box he will be resting in a velveteen pouch (as seen in the pictures), but the dice are just there for scale. Though it would likely lead to all kinds of fun, three dice will not be included with your Land Whale order :)