This little Multihorn so desperately wanted to be a unicorn that he pushed and pushed and pushed, but he pushed a little too hard! *POP* *POP POP POP POP POP* He's now got himself six horns, and that won't do at all in the land of the unicorns. Though his head could make for an excellent and stylish serving tray, so he can mimic R2D2 on the sailing barge in that great movie about wars out in the stars.
He's handmade of polymer clay, and has some tin foil crunched up inside him, so while he's not exactly a unicorn, nor an astromech droid, he's got a little of both in him. He's also been branded with the Nugs logo, so no Jawas can claim him when he goes a'wanderin.
Please note your Multihorn will be hand made after you place your order, so while we are very skilled (if I do say so myself), there may be slight variations between the Multihorn you receive and the Multihorn pictured here. Fear not! He will certainly have many horns and never be accepted as a unicorn.
Your Multihorn will be shipped to you in a box, and in that box he will be resting in a velveteen pouch (as seen in the pictures), but the dice are just there for scale. Though it would likely lead to all kinds of fun, three dice will not be included with your Multihorn order :)