This penguin grew jealous of his cousins, those owls with their 360 degree vision. Well Two Headed Penguin Nug has shown them, he's gone and grown a second independently rotating head! Take that owls! Now not only can Two Headed Penguin survey all his surroundings at all times, but he's got himself a best bud to talk to at all times. They can even take sleep shifts so no one will ever sneak up on them again! Unless, of course, someone sneaks up from the side that the sleeping head is supposed to be surveying, but whatever.
This Two Headed Penguin is handmade from polymer clay and has himself a tightly packed tinfoil ball inside him. This means he's nice and light and less likely to break when he falls. It also means he's ready to take on that other domain that the owls hold over his head: flight. The Nugs logo is also emblazoned on his derrière, because it looks great. The logo, not his butt. Stop looking at his butt.
Please note your Two Headed Penguin will be hand made after you place your order, so while we are very skilled (if I do say so myself), there may be slight variations between the Two Headed Penguin you receive and the Two Headed Penguin pictured here. Rest assured that he will certainly have two smug little heads.
Your Two Headed Penguin will be shipped to you in a box, and in that box he will be resting in a velveteen pouch (as seen in the pictures), but the dice are just there for scale. Though it would likely lead to all kinds of fun, three dice will not be included with your Two Headed Penguin order :)